Welcome to an exciting new chapter for your nightclub! We’re thrilled to introduce you to the
Next Level Nightclubs Growth System, an innovative solution designed exclusively for venues. Our passion is driving results, and we’re excited to partner with you on this journey to achieve great things together!
Click To Expand T&Cs / Agreement
By signing this Agreement, ("Client" has retained Next Level Nightclubs, ("Service Provider") to proceed with the requested services, and agrees to the terms and conditions as set forth within this agreement.
But first, let's outline why a 90-day COMMITMENT is required.
SERVICES: This contract outlines the following service provided by Next Level Nightclubs:
Venue & nightclub nightclub system, including but not limited to: customer loyalty system, birthday booking nightclub system, viral giveaway, and booth booking software.
WHY A 90-day commitment?: 90-day commitment aims to allow the nightclub System to collect data for optimal performance. The timeframe between day 1 and 3 months is where results begin to show noticeably. If the program is not able to properly optimise over a certain period of time, then the client(s) may not see the results as hoped for; therefore it is in favour of the client(s) to run the program for a contractual 90-days. Furthermore, this contract acts as a buffer between both parties involved; the time cost to run services without a commitment from the client raises the risk of time being lost at large. - and we don't want to waste the client's or our own time, as we value both.
AFTER THE 90-days: Don't worry, we are not one of those agencies that lock you in for dear life. We are Growth Partners. After the 3 months have been completed, this document will still be in effect, but instead, it will act as an agreement on the terms of services, without being locked in. So no need to worry.
REQUIREMENTS OF YOU: Next Level Nightclubs requires permissions as an editor or admin access to Meta Ads Manager Account, Instagram & Facebook page in order to operate the above service. All information provided is stored safely and securely within our database & terminated upon request if required. Setting up social media ads, maintaining ad sets, connecting the birthday program & optimising ads.
We will request access to your social media via secured email transfer of username & password of Meta Ads Manager Account. Your information & use of information is protected under our Privacy Policy & are used only to perform the above services. For the birthday program, if you already have a birthday offer, we will use that. Otherwise, Next Level Nightclubs will require you to select a monthly promotion you wish to feature. If you wish to promote a custom deal, please provide notice before the end of the month so we can prepare.
COLLECTION OF INFORMATION: Next Level Nightclubs may require to provide a certain amount of information in order to carry out the service. This includes your name, email, phone number, Meta Business Admin Access & other social media account details. We use this information to access & perform the selected service. In order to provide a service, we will need permission from said accounts in order to oversee and perform accordingly. All sensitive information displayed on accounts will remain 100% confidential and rightfully owned by . Next Level Nightclubs merely uses access to configure, integrate & manage software/services being used as mentioned above.
PAYMENT: We love smashing client goals, it's in our DNA. In order to achieve that, agrees to commit to payment in full on a monthly basis for all Jobs at the time of signing of this agreement. will be billed at the beginning of each month. After a trial, the retainer cost will be invoiced for payment & committed for 90 days. Once payments have been secured, we will begin your monthly campaign - or continue from where left off during your trial. understands & commits to the 3 months from point of signing. Early termination of services will still incur the 90-day contractual service cost. Termination at any point during or after the 90 days will require 30 days notice.
AD-SPEND: We made paying for ads easy & predictable. will be responsible for covering the required ad costs to operate the campaign. Ad-spend will be processed on a pending cycle; meaning you will enter said account details into Meta Ads Manager or where required & Next Level Nightclubs will operate ad costs from the desired account. This allows to remain in complete control of their account details as they will have full access to their ads account.
CLIENT RESPONSIBILITY / RESULTS: This may seem like a tedious read, but you know how this works… understands the risk involved in advertising and the associated risk of loss in ad-spend & merit of financial gain that advertisements may produce as a result of the advertisements in operation. understands that results are not guaranteed. understands that Next Level Nightclubs is not responsible for any losses in ad-spend or liable for any losses operating any said service.
RELATIONSHIP: Let's work to the best abilities! understands that Next Level Nightclubs is not an employee and that this will be a collaborative, professional relationship of equals, as in a service partnership, where mutual professional respect, courtesy, and consideration are expected. Due to the virtual nature of the partnership, understands the importance of communication, especially via text message & email, and agrees to respond to questions, requests, and communications from Next Level Nightclubs in a timely manner. understands that Next Level Nightclubs is a business with other clients to service and requires fair, realistic notice in order to attend to requests and projects. Poor planning or miscommunication on the part of Clients will not constitute an emergency for Next Level Nightclubs. understands that Next Level Nightclubs may require detailed clarification of projects in order to meet expectations and provide the best support and highest quality of work.
OFFICE HOURS & COMMUNICATION: We're pretty available. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm AEDT & Saturday for after hour support via text message is welcomed. Next Level Nightclubs is available for pre-planned phone calls only during office hours. Text messages or Whatsapp messages are welcome at all hours. You may also contact us via our Meta business page at Next Level Nightclubs as well as our email at For emergencies or operation errors, feel free to contact us on our private number at +61466969665 via Whatsapp addressing your name and where you are calling from.
MATERIALS & INFORMATION: If you have any special requests we'd love to hear them. will provide all content, outlines, photos, product images, etc., necessary for any special projects that stand outside of the original service. Source material must be clear and legible. is responsible for furnishing all pertinent information, and for furnishing accurate, truthful, and complete information necessary for Next Level Nightclubs to perform or complete the contracted services or project.
ACCURACY: assumes full responsibility for acceptance of work or services performed and agreed upon, as well as final proofreading and accuracy. Next Level Nightclubs is not responsible for errors or omissions.
PAYMENT OPTIONS: Invoice payments are accepted through Direct Bank Transfer & automated monthly Stripe payments. Payment is processed through our merchant account on the 1st of each month. You will receive an invoice on the 1st due upon demand then automated billing will take place after the initial payment has completed.
DISCLAIMER: We're easygoing & love a bit of banter, but Next Level Nightclubs will not be held responsible for any claims, alleged claims or misinformation after the design & launch of any said service. is aware of All information used during the service is understood by upon release. understands that all information displayed has been confirmed to be true and, therefore, assumes full responsibility for said information.
LATE FEES: Clients who consistently fail to respond to questions in a timely manner, do not supply needed information, or otherwise impair efficient workflows, dramatically increase administrative time, and prevent Next Level Nightclubs from working to optimum standards and serving other clients in a fair and equal manner; reserve the right to impose late fees or cessation of work for Clients who fall into this category.
USER RESTRICTION: may not alter any campaigns or advertisements that are in place. We are open to recommendations & daily price adjustments, however, you are not permitted to take it upon your own ability and change advertisement details, costs or anything associated with the campaign without consent from Next Level Nightclubs. If access is granted to any software owned by Next Level Nightclubs, MUST NOT alter, change or otherwise perform an unauthorised action at any time. Actions that can perform will be discussed prior to granted entry. This is to reduce any chance of disruption to the services.
PROPERTY: All billing (including invoices, statements, and estimates), and reports are provided as a convenience to at the discretion of Next Level Nightclubs.
ACCURACY OF INFORMATION: agrees that the accuracy of information supplied to Next Level Nightclubs is the sole responsibility of , and that Next Level Nightclubs is not responsible and shall not be held liable for the results of services performed on the basis of inaccurate, incomplete or untruthful information furnished by .
INDEMNIFICATION / RELEASE OF LIABILITY: shall indemnify, defend & save Next Level Nightclubs from any and all suits, costs, damages, or proceedings, including, but not limited to, Next Level Nightclubs services, pertaining to any and all litigation in which the is a party. shall pay all expenses incurred by Next Level Nightclubs including, but not limited to, all attorneys' fees, costs and expenses incurred should Next Level Nightclubs be named a party in any litigation to which is a party. shall further indemnify and hold harmless Next Level Nightclubs and its agents, employees, partners, officers and directors from liability for any and all claims, costs, suits and damages, including attorneys' fees arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the operation of , and from liability for injuries suffered by any person relating to the Client. Next Level Nightclubs is not responsible for any form of underaged opt-in that may attempt to attend the venue. Should this event occur, is responsible for vetting the customer by checking their physical identification ensuring they are of legal age.
Furthermore, Next Level Nightclubs shall not be responsible for any promotional materials, coupons, or advertisements that may inadvertently reach or be used by individuals who are under the legal drinking age. Next Level Nightclubs take reasonable measures to restrict access to such materials including a 2 step age vetting process of asking for users' Date of Birth, if they are above 18 & advertisement targeted to demographics above the legal drinking age - but cannot guarantee their complete exclusion from underage individuals. Additionally, Next Level Nightclubs is not responsible for the adequacy or effectiveness of security measures, including ID checks, employed by the Client, even if individuals gain entry using a free entry coupon provided by Next Level Nightclubs. Next Level Nightclubs take reasonable measures to follow the country, State level and local alcohol advertisement legislations in place at the time of advertisement & makes effort to ensure advertisements are in line with such terms. understands and agrees to release liability from Next Level Nightclubs in the event of legal matters associated with advertisement of alcohol.
This agreement to indemnify Next Level Nightclubs is not limited to any acts or omissions, statements or representations made by Next Level Nightclubs in the performance and/or nonperformance of Next Level Nightclubs's duties hereunder and relating to all contractual liabilities, which may be alleged or imposed against Next Level Nightclubs. In the absence of negligence, however, Next Level Nightclubs will not be held liable for loss, destruction or damage of any kind resulting from items that are lost or delayed in transit, whether such transit is electronic, fax, mail or otherwise, not for unauthorised use by others of such property. Next Level Nightclubs will not be held liable for any incidental, consequential or indirect damages, including without limitation damages for loss of profits, business interruptions, loss of information, plagiarism, etc. Next Level Nightclubs will not be held liable for typographical omissions or errors given has accurately reviewed and approved said services. Next Level Nightclubs may provide general written Terms & Conditions for certain services but are not held responsible for any misinformed or misrepresented information at the government level & agrees to have read, understood & alter any information where needed – claiming ownership of the Terms & Conditions given they are provided.
The Viral Giveaway service will require Terms & Conditions which Next Level Nightclubs is willing to write & provide as a common instance of the providing a written Terms & Conditions as stated above.
TERM / TERMINATION: After 90 days, this agreement will remain in effect on a monthly handshake agreement. Termination can be requested any time after the 90 days should {[company_name}} decides to discontinue. Provided, however, that each party may terminate the agreement immediately without prior notice in the event of a breach of this agreement by the other party. Upon termination, Next Level Nightclubs shall invoice for any payment due, and payment will be due immediately upon receipt. We can refuse to provide or stop providing all or part of the Service to you (including terminating or disabling your service) immediately if required.
JURISDICTION: These terms will be constructed in accordance with the laws of the state of Victoria, Australia. If any provisions of these Terms are found to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, that provision shall be severable, and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
NON-DISCLOSURE AND NON-SOLICITATION: Next Level Nightclubs shall not directly or indirectly disclose to any person other than a representative of at any time either during the term of this agreement or following the termination or expiration thereof, any confidential or proprietary information pertaining to the Client, including but not limited to customer lists, contacts, financial data, supply sources, business opportunities for new or developing business, plans and models, passwords, or trade secrets.
ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE: If you have any questions or concerns about the Terms, contact us on Whatsapp at +61466969665 addressing your name and where you are from or email us at The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be modified or amended as necessary only by written instrument signed by both parties. By signing the Agreement, I indicate that I understand, agree to and accept the terms and conditions as contained.